Thursday, July 14, 2016

Ghostbusters- Movie Review

Hollywood is back at it again with another pesky remake. This time around, the big wigged executives at Sony decided to relaunch the iconic Ghostbusters franchise. With an near entire female crew this time around, my expectations for this reboot were like many. I was pretty mixed and even edging toward negative expectations. Coming out of this movie, I can firmly say that this version of Ghostbusters is likable and not a total disaster.

The cast of this film is pretty decent with only one flaw in my opinion. I enjoyed Kristin Wiig and Melissa McCarthy as the two leads. Both characters were written pretty strongly and they had some decent comedic moments. I was afraid of Melissa McCarthy overkill but luckily this film refrained from such. I was also a big fan of Leslie Jones in this film. She was absolutely hilarious at times. I've been a fan of hers for a few years now and it was great seeing her transition so well to the big screen. She's a comedic force to be reckoned with. Also, Chris Hemsworth was hysterical in this film. He's seemingly picked up comedic cues quite well and had me laughing pretty hard at times. He was by far the funniest character in the entire movie.

Now, the one flaw in the cast was Kate McKinnon. She always seemed to be trying to get laughs whenever she was on camera and it distracted a lot from the film a times. She was always making weird faces and gestures that would appeal to children. Yet, everybody I saw the film with noted how truly weird her performance was. I don't know if it was how the character was written or McKinnon decided to add some more quirkiness to the role, but it didn't work for me. I found her genuninely annoying which is tough to write, being that I'm a huge fan of her on SNL.

The visuals of this film were also pretty great. I'll never mind seeing New York City on the big screen and this film made it look beautiful. The ghosts also all looked great. In the trailers, they looked seemingly bad but in the context of the film, they looked pretty good. I have to give it up to the visual and special effects teams because everything from the ghosts to simple shot looked great in this film.

Now, was this a good film? Barely. I thought at times it was pretty good. Yet, all in all it felt like a tune-up of the original classic. I felt that Sony only made this film because technology had improved and the story could look better with great effects. I also feel like the script really limited the main leads. This film wasn't absurdly funny, which I find odd when looking at the cast. I was expecting some gut busting (pun intended I guess) comedy and barely got any of it. I felt that Paul Feig really limited the possibilities when directing this reboot. This could've been something a lot better.

All in all, if you want to check this film out feel free. Ghostbusters isn't a boring time at the movies. It's just something we've all seen before.

Rating: C

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