Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Nerve- Movie Review

Before I start the review, I want to thank the fans of the site because I was invited to a screening of Nerve about three weeks ago! It was an awesome experience seeing the movie so early and it truly made me feel like a professional. Now, did this awesome experience include a viewing of a good movie? To that, I'll say yes. Nerve was a good time at the movies.

The movie succeeds in a multitude of aspects. Both Dave Franco and Emma Roberts deliver pretty good performances that keep us invested throughout the film. They aren't entirely deep characters, but I found myself caring for both a number of times. Both are extremely charming and the chemistry was there. Also, shout out to Machine Gun Kelly. I laughed when I saw him in the trailer but the dude has chops. I liked his character a lot. I also loved the concept. For those who don't know, the point of this film is both Roberts and Franco participate in an app where people dare then watch you do crazy things for money. I enjoyed this concept because it held everybody accountable and there wasn't a clear cut bad guy. This film was relatable in the sense that if this app was real, I'd probably even watch some of the stuff people were doing. It's just human nature.

The look of this film was also great. I feel like I always mention when a film takes place in NYC because Hollywood really knows how to make the city look fantastic. Shot for shot, this film is really great looking. You can tell the time was invested to make this film look super polished and I appreciated that. The soundtrack was also pretty good. It was a good blend of upcoming artists, along with established legends such as the Wu-Tang Clan. Being somebody who loves music, this was a touch that I personally appreciated.

Now like I said, I loved the concept of this film. The first two acts are pure fun and full of adrenaline and risk. The first two acts really understood the concept of the film and made it something special. Then the third act hit and this movie lost too much steam. The ending was seen from a mile away and felt like a really bad made for MTV movie. Characters started going on rants about the internet and I immediately lost interest. It seemed extremely unfitting considering how fun the first two acts were. The ending was pretty abrupt and all in all, stupid. It really left a bad taste in my mouth.

That being said, Nerve is a pretty decent time at the movies. The first two acts are very well executed and are full of laughs and intense moments. It's a pretty good teenage movie that girls will eat up because of Dave Franco.

Rating: C+

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