Rating: F (not for Fantastic. It stands for total and absolute failure.)
Josh Trank, I stood by your product for months. I repeatedly defended this film after the near entire internet was bashing it. I hoped and prayed I'd prove the naysayers wrong. I walked into this theater with hope in my eyes and expectations to be met. Before the credits rolled, I stormed out of my seat in utter disgust. I hated the Fantastic Four.
At first, this movie was pretty good. It was a nice origins story, mostly focusing on Reed Richards (played by Miles Teller.) I thought Miles was a pretty decent Reed Richards. I'd make that argument for all four members of the team. As their normal selves, they were great and likable characters. Then, they got their powers. And that's when this movie turns into an absolute trainwreck.
Within about twenty-five minutes, the team assembles and saves the world from Doctor Doom. You heard me. This is the most rushed ending I've ever seen in my entire life. Doctor Doom finally reveals himself and, within twenty-five minutes, is defeated by the team that's never even worked together previously. I liked Doom a lot. Toby Kebbell was great as Victor and I didn't mind his look when he became Doom. Although not like the comics, it was a unique interpretation. I'd argue he was one of my favorite characters. Yet, he's on screen as Doom for maybe twenty minutes. Within twenty minutes, 20th Century Fox and the people attached to this atrocity ruined one of the strongest villains within Marvel's universe. He looked incredibly weak and presented no challenge to the Fantastic Four. If he had screen time, I'm sure he would've been a great villain who was truly a threat. Instead, he kills some people really quickly and barely fights the team.
The CGI in this film was horrific. The Thing looked good, I'll give them that. I hated how Reed looked when his body morphed. It looked really bad and was very noticeably CGI. I also didn't like how The Human Torch looked. He looked like a flame ball who could talk. The green screen, at times, was absolutely terrible. There's a scene in the woods where you can one-hundred percent tell Miles Teller was standing in front of a green screen. 20th Century Fox is a gigantic studio and tons of money was put into this product. Yet, it looked absolutely terrible for the most part.
My giant issue with this film was the abruptness of the ending. It's almost as if Fox told Trank to wrap it up and he threw together some random ending. The ending banks on the fact that a sequel is coming. Even though, after all this negativity towards the film, I'm not so sure that'll be the case anymore. We barely see the Fantastic Four as a team because of this. THE MOVIE IS CALLED FANTASTIC FOUR. AND WE BARELY SEE THEM AS THE FANTASTIC FOUR. About ninety percent of this film is horribly written dialogue with no action at all. Meanwhile, this was advertised as a superhero film in which awesome actions is a norm. It was truly hard to sit through.
Fantastic Four had all the assets needed for a great film. They had a once thought great director. They had great talent. They had an excellent story. They had a huge budget for awesome effects. Yet, they completely ruined the product. And I believe they knew they produced a terrible film. Fox wouldn't allow reviews of this film to be posted until the night before it was released. It's as if they were bracing themselves for a storm of slander. Do not, I repeat do not see this movie. Do not give this film any sort of money. Do yourselves a favor and forget this film ever existed.
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