Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Gift- Movie Review

Rating: A

Joel Edgerton's directorial debut The Gift hits theaters tomorrow and I had the opportunity of seeing an early screening. Going into the film, I really didn't know what to expect. I was curious to see how Edgerton balanced directing and starring in a film. The trailer didn't give much away so I truly didn't have a full read on what this movie was about. Because I love puns, I will say this film is a true gift to film goers this summer.

The Gift is a creepy, emotional, twisted, and truly impactful thriller. Turns come out of nowhere and you cannot ever truly predict a plot point. From the trailer, you expect this film to be a weird stalker who becomes obsessed with somebody from his past. Yet, it's a whole lot more than that. It's a tension filled, slow, deliberate, mind game driven film. Joel Edgerton is absolutely awesome in this film. Being that he also directed this, I have to tip my cap even more. His character Gordo is just an odd ball who has a huge on screen presence. When he's on camera, chills go down your spine and you never know what he'll do or what he'll say. Not only is he playing mind games with the main characters. He has the audience in the palm of his hand and really controls the emotions you will feel. When you learn of his past, you not only feel for Gordo, but you also fear what he's capable of. Edgerton wrote an awesome role for himself. Gordo was extremely layered, furthermore making him terrifying. Casting himself was the perfect idea. 

Jason Bateman had a very solid performance in The Gift. I feel like he was also perfectly casted. You feel for him at times, yet you can't help but despise him. He plays a spectacular deceptive man who hides tons of secrets. His eyes in this film say one thing while the words he speaks say the total opposite. Bateman is not only fighting his past, but he's also fighting himself in this film. His entire world comes crumbling down because of his alpha male ways and he tries to fix the past. But, it's seemingly too late. Ironically, Edgerton was in the recent reboot of The Great Gatsby. A film in which repeating the past catches up to destroy characters. Rebecca Hall also delivered a great, emotional performance. I really enjoyed her character. She and Bateman had undeniable chemistry and your heart feels for this couple as their world crumbles.

Edgerton's directing was remarkable. His eye for detail really helped this film. Little things would be mentioned or shown and they would turn out to be crucial to the plot. Edgerton had a great way of exposing things without being overbearing. This movie has total re-watch value because you want to catch these seemingly little things and see how they fit into this twist filled plot. 

The thing I loved about this film was there's no clear good guy or bad guy. You could make arguments for both Gordo and Bateman's character Simon. You understand both of their motives and understand their actions, yet there's no clear hero. Both, in a way, are totally just in their actions. This movie is a well crafted, well acted out, emotional film. It was delivered perfectly. The Gift will not be a Hollywood blockbuster. Yet, it's a film you should one hundred percent see. It's a truly amazing film with a spectacular story to tell. The performances and dramatic turns also add to how great this film is. If you want to see a film this weekend, check out The Gift

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